Where We Began

  • Reuben Ingold Park
  • El Marcado

Scrub Hub Inc.

is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation located in Los Angeles, California that was founded by a group of dentists with the mission of increasing accessibility to dental health care for underserved populations. Doctors, dental assistants, and dental students travel directly to areas in need to provide dental screenings, fluoride applications, dental sealants, and distribute free oral hygiene supplies. Additionally, our volunteers educate families and individuals about preventative methods and proper home care techniques. Scrub Hub volunteers have passed out over 10,000 oral hygiene kits in Los Angeles and abroad, extended services to international populations, and partnered with multiple non-profit organizations to increase access to oral care.

Scrub Hub originated during the 2020 COVID pandemic when many individuals, could not seek dental care at dental offices. Communities of Color show increased numbers of childhood caries (cavities), premature edentulism (loss of teeth), and overall poorer health outcomes. Founders of Scrub Hub proactively went door to door in Compton, California to educate families on preventative methods and at home care, while distributing free oral hygiene supplies.

During Scrub Hub’s initial service events we doctors of Color were exposed to an even greater need: the need to uplift our communities in more than one aspect. African Americans account for only 3.5% of dentists, and Latin and Hispanic account for only 5.9%. However, data shows that a significant majority of children and adults with untreated dental decay are coming from minority communities. Our organization aims to increase representation within the field of dentistry with our outreach, as well as Pre-Dental Mentorship and Youth Ambassador Initiatives. Volunteers provide support, mentorship, and resources for students in their transition into higher education or respective dental program.

Scrub Hub has 2 divisions

The first is our local division here in Southern California. Scrub Hub is dedicated to serving communities here in greater Los Angeles through oral hygiene instructions, patient education, and free oral health supplies.

The second division operates in remote communities. Scrub Hub believes in providing services to populations world wide in order to increase oral health awareness.

“Anytime we step into a community and experience another’s culture and immerse ourselves in that way of life, we are benefitting from that environment. It is important to give back to these communities just as much as we take.”

— Dr. Selena Gray, on Scrub Hub’s international service

Los Angeles, California

Scrub Hub has operated locally in service planning areas 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 throughout Los Angeles, California.

service planning areas.PNG

Hilo, Hawaii

Scrub Hub partnered with HOPE Services Hawaii to serve local families in Hilo and teach about prevention.

hilo map.PNG


Scrub Hub has served communities in Kumasi, as well as Accra. We donated oral hygiene products and gave oral hygiene instructions.


Cancún, Mexico

Scrub Hub partnered with CIAM in Cancún, Mexico to teach oral hygiene and prevention to children.


Puerto Rico

Scrub Hub partnered with Hogar Forjadores de Esperanza Inc. and We All Care to perform screenings and oral hygiene instructions for the community in Bayamón, Puerto Rico and the Manuel A. Perez community.

Wailuku, Hawaii

Scrub Hub partnered with Mālama I Ke Ola Health Center to teach oral hygiene and prevention to families.


Our Values

  • Scrub Hub strives to increase representation of Black and Brown dental health professionals through mentorship, outreach, and service.

  • Scrub Hub is a volunteer based organization that serves to better communities in need domestically and globally. Our services are 100% free for all populations.

  • Scrub Hub remains dedicated to our mission of providing care to vulnerable populations. Our services target minority populations that need us the most.

  • Scrub Hub doctors and student doctors treat patients honestly and fairly. Our doctors meet all state and federal requirements to practice dentistry.